9/30/15 homework
Dear Students,
Please answer the following question in complete sentences:
Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment
Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment
Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment
Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment
OPTION 1: Despite the book's controversial content, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian won several literary awards. Do you believe the book is worthy of all the accolades? Explain your answer.
OPTION 2: Continue working on the dialogue for your movie trailer, Write at least 2 or 3 lines of dialogue.
Date: _____________
**All homework must be signed by a parent.**
Dear parent/guardian,
Please review and sign you child's homework daily.
Ms. Tyler
Parent signature: ____________________________