Sunday, December 11, 2016


Image result for aunt alexandra to kill a mockingbird



12/20/16 homework

Dear Students,
Please answer the following question in complete sentences:
           Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment
     Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment
Image result for aunt alexandra to kill a mockingbird**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

In chapter 23 Atticus explained to Scout that if Tom Robinson loses his appeal case he will be sentenced to death. Should the death penalty be allowed? Write at least three reasons why you either for or against the death penalty.


12/19/16 homework

Dear Students,
Please answer the following question in complete sentences:
           Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment
     Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment
**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

One of the major themes in To Kill a Mockingbird is the reality of social injustice in the world. In today’s reading Jem was very upset when Tom Robinson was wrongfully convicted of a crime he didn’t commit due to his race. However, at the end of the reading we learned that Maycomb has made some progress in race relations. Please provide at least one example from the text to show how Maycomb’s race relations improved. 


12/16/16 homework

Dear Students,
Please answer the following question in complete sentences:
           Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment
     Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment
**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

OPTION 1: In chapter 19, Tom Robinson admits that he felt sorry for Mayella during the trial. In Maycomb. The white people in the courtroom are surprised and agngry that a black man coud pity a white person. That's almost as bad as the crime of rape he is accused of doing.

Despite Tom doing something very unwise in the eyes of the black community, was he right for doing what he did to help Mayella? Explain your answer. Also write down an experience in your life when you did something you thought was right, but others thought you were wrong for doing it.

OPTION 2: The verdict in the trial against Tom is guilty.  How much did you expect this verdict? How much do you agree with Jem's upset that Tom was unfairly found guilty?


12/15/16 homework

Dear Students,

Directions: Match the vocabulary words in 1-6 with the correct definition a-f. Write the letter of the correct definition on the line provided.

**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

1._____________  Intervene      
2._____________  Cantankerous
3._____________  Chagrin
4._____________  Foot-Washing
5._____________  Antagonize
6._____________  Apothecary

a.    Distress or embarrassment at having failed or been humiliated

b.     Cause (someone) to become hostile

c.    A term used to describe Baptists who believe that nearly everything a person does is a sin

d.    Bad-tempered, argumentative, and uncooperative

e.    A person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs

f.     Come between so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events


12/14/16 homework

Dear Students,
Please answer the following question in complete sentences:
           Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment
     Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment
**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

The Robinson/Ewell trial is the talk of the town in the city of Maycomb. Was there an event in New York City during your lifetime that dominated the news for an extended period of time? If so, explain the event and compare it to the trial. If you cannot come up with an event, write about why the trial getting so much attention. 

Image result for tkam trial

Image result for tkam trial


12/13/16 homework

Dear Students,
Please answer the following question in complete sentences:
           Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment
     Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment
**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

OPTION 1: In today’s reading you found out that Dill ran away from home because his parents weren’t giving him enough attention.

 Was there a time in your life that you ran away from home or felt like you wanted to fun away under similar circumstances?

If so, explain why you did it. If you haven’t, explain why you think Dill would do something so drastic. 

OPTION 2; Scout's Aunt Alexandra was against Atticus' defending Tom Robiinson and also for their going to Calpurnia's church. Do you agree with her aunt or do you agree with what Atticus was doing?   Give your reasons for your answer.

Image result for aunt alexandra to kill a mockingbird


12/12/16 homework

Dear Students,
Please answer the following question in complete sentences:
           Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment
     Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment
**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

In Chapter 10 the Finch children are dumbfounded when they discovered that their father is an exceptional shot. Was there a time in your life when you discovered a skill that your parent possessed? What was the skill and why do you think he or she kept it a secret? Also, explain why you think Atticus kept his kids in the dark about his shooting ability. 


12/9/16 homework

Dear Students,
Please answer the following question in complete sentences:
           Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment
     Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment
**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

In Chapter 10 the Finch children are dumbfounded when they discovered that their father is an exceptional shot. Was there a time in your life when you discovered a skill that your parent possessed? What was the skill and why do you think he or she kept it a secret? Also, explain why you think Atticus kept his kids in the dark about his shooting ability. 



Dear Students,
Please answer the following question in complete sentences:
           Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment
     Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment
**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

OPTION 1: Strangely Miss Maudie is happy when her house burned down because it gave her an      opportunity to build a new one that suited her lifestyle. Imagine if your house burned down and you lost everything. Would you feel the same way Miss Maudie did?  Also, keep in mind that Miss Maudie is a solitary woman living in the rural south in the 1930s. Explain your answer.

OPTION 2: SCOUT LEARNS ABOUT BOO RADLEY'S HISTORY.  How would you feel if your parent kept you in the house for years after you misbehaved?  what would you do?  how do you explain boo's behavior so far?



12/7/15 homework

Dear Students,
Please answer the following question in complete sentences:

     Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment

     Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment

**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

Young Walter Cunningham is the first glimpse we get of the Cunningham clan, part of the large population of poor farmers in the land around Maycomb. Walter’s poverty introduces the very adult theme of social class into the novel. What event in chapter 3 that involves Walter and the Finch family best illustrates the social divide? Explain your answer.

Image result for to kill a mockingbird walter at lunch


12/7/16 homework

Dear Students,
Please answer the following question in complete sentences:
           Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment
     Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment
**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

In these chapters, the first person other than Atticus to display a sympathetic attitude toward Boo is Miss Maudie. How does Miss Maudie characterize Boo? Does she describe him the same way the Finch children do? Explain your answer. 

12/6/16 homework

Dear Students,
Please answer the following question in complete sentences:
     Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment

     Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment

**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

Young Walter Cunningham is the first glimpse we get of the Cunningham clan, part of the large population of poor farmers in the land around Maycomb. Walter’s poverty introduces the very adult theme of social class into the novel. What event in chapter 3 that involves Walter and the Finch family best illustrates the social divide? Explain your answer.


12/5/16 homework

Dear Students,
Please answer the following question in complete sentences:
          Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment
     Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment

**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

Arthur “Boo” Radley lives in the run-down Radley Place, and no one has seen him outside it in years. Scout recounts how, as a boy, Boo got in trouble with the law and his father imprisoned him in the house as punishment. He was not heard from until fifteen years later, when he stabbed his father with a pair of scissors. Although people suggested that Boo was crazy, old Mr. Radley refused to have his son committed to an asylum.

Do you believe the rumors about Boo Radley are true? Also, write about a person in your life that was described as a monster, but eventually turned out to be a good person. 

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