Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Below is information about a Municipal (City) identification card.  All NYC Residents who are 14 years of age and above will be able to apply for this card.  This includes those who are homeless, undocumented, the elderly, youth and those who have been formerly incarcerated.  This will satisfy the requirement for government issued ID.  Below is how to access the card and the link to what you will need to apply for the card.  This program will begin in January 2015.  Please ensure that you have the points needed by January 2015 so that you can apply for the card.  See below for the link to the website.  Please be advised it is very important for your individuals to have a government issue ID.  Please check to make sure the individuals that you serve have some form of government issue ID.  Cut and paste the link and put into your browser.

IDNYC is the new, free identification card for all New York City residents, which will give all of us the opportunity to show who we are—New Yorkers. As a government-issued photo identification card, IDNYC will secure the peace of mind and access to City services that come from having recognized identification. IDNYC benefits every city resident, including the most vulnerable communities—the homeless, youth, the elderly, undocumented immigrants, the formerly incarcerated and others who may have difficulty obtaining other government-issued ID.
IDNYC cardholders can access services and programs offered by the City as well as businesses. IDNYC will help enhance public safety, by serving as a recognized ID for interacting with NYPD. It will also help New Yorkers gain access to all City buildings that provide services to the public and will be accepted as a form of identification for accessing numerous City programs and services. IDNYC will also provide a dynamic series of benefits to cardholders, including a free one-year membership at many of the City's leading museums, zoos, concert halls, and botanical gardens.
The newly published rules provide that:
•         The IDNYC Card will be provided to applicants free of charge (the de Blasio Administration has committed to making IDNYC available free of charge for the first year of the program through December 31, 2015)
•         The IDNYC Card will expire after five years
•         The minimum age to apply for the card will be 14 years of age
•         Applicants will be required to present proof of identity and proof of residency in New York City
•         Homeless New Yorkers without a permanent address will have the ability to obtain a card
•         The card will provide address confidentiality protections to survivors of domestic violence
Additionally, the rules establish which documents may be used to demonstrate identity and residency.  The rule sets forth over 40 categories of documents that may be used to establish identity, including foreign passports and consular identification cards, foreign birth certificates, military identification, U.S. high school diplomas, and U.S. voter registration cards. Applicants will be able to demonstrate residency in New York City with cable, phone or utility bills, bank statements, and residential leases, among other documents. The documents will be accepted on a point-based system that weighs document value, similar to the one used by the New York State DMV.
You need 4 document points (AAR and Reduced fare cards are worth a point each!) to qualify. go tohttp://www1.nyc.gov/site/muniid/card/documentation.page for information
The City of New York has adopted rules regarding proof of identification and proof of residency required to apply for the IDNYC. The full list of acceptable documents is outlined below, along with special policies geared toward effectively serving all New Yorkers.
 This rule establishes requirements to implement the IDNYC Card Program and provides guidance to critical stakeholders and applicants interested in obtaining the IDNYC Card. The proposed rule was identified as the "Municipal ID Card Program." The name of the program has been changed to the "IDNYC Card Program," and the final rule reflects this change.
Specifically, the rule:
  • Establishes that the IDNYC Card will be provided to applicants free of charge;
  • Establishes that cards will expire after five years;
  • Creates a mechanism for homeless New Yorkers without a permanent address to obtain a card;
  • Sets the minimum age to apply for the card at 14 years of age;
  • Provides protections to survivors of domestic violence;
  • Sets forth the documents with which applicants may demonstrate identity and residency and the weight each document will have;
  • Establishes that cardholders who change their residential address, gender, or name should update the information appearing on the card within 10 days of the change;
  • Establishes privacy protections that safeguard information collected for issuing the identification card to protect against identity theft and fraud; and
  • Provides that an applicant who has been denied an IDNYC Card may seek review of this denial by submitting a review request to the Executive Director of the IDNYC Card program within 30 days of issuance of the denial.

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