Friday, October 30, 2015



Dear Students,
Please answer the following question in complete sentences:
     Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment
     Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment

OPTION 1: Discuss George’s actions at the end of the story. How can we justify what he does to Lennie?  How can we condemn it?

Directions: Match the vocabulary words in 1-7 with the correct definition a-g. Write the letter of the correct definition on the line provided.

1._____________   Reassure    
2._____________ Reprehensible
3._____________ Contemptuous
4._____________ Lynch
5._____________ Sorrow
6._____________ Aloof
7._____________ Heron

a.    Deserving of blame or reproof; blameworthy

b.    Showing little interest in or desire to be involved with other people; distant

c.    Feeling or expressing contempt; scornful

d.    Say or do something to remove the doubts and fears of someone

e.    A large fish-eating wading bird with long legs a long S-shaped neck, and a long pointed bill

f.     A feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others

g.    To kill someone suspected of a crime or offense without legal authority, esp. by a hanging
*  All homework must be signed by a parent.**

      Dear parent/guardian, 

      Please review and sign you child's homework daily. 

      Ms. Tyler
Image result for GEORGE KILLS LENNIE

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