Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Incident by Countee Cullen

10/14/15 homework

Dear Students,
Read the poem below and answer the following questions in complete sentences:
     Level 1: Please write 3 sentences to complete the assignment
     Level 2: Please write 5 sentences to complete the assignment 
     Level 3: Please write 7 sentences to complete the assignment

**All homework must be signed by a parent.**

by Countee Cullen

Once riding in old Baltimore,
Heart-filled, head-filled with glee,
I saw a Baltimorean
Keep looking straight at me.

Now I was eight and very small,
And he was no whit bigger,
And so I smiled, but he poked out
His tongue, and called me, “Nigger.”

I saw the whole of Baltimore
From May until December;
Of all the things that happened there
That’s all that I remember.

1.      What might lead a child to insult another child this way?

2.       Look at the last stanza.
          Look at the title
          What is ironic here about the title? 

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